POSSESSIVE adjectives B

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   da rispondere :3
   1 2 3

Al termine del quiz premi il pulsante 'VERIFICA' qui' a fianco

domanda 1

Choose the right adjective

A. She's eight. brother's nine.

B. I'm British.
name's Peter.

C. You're students.
books are in the classroom.

D. This is
new car. We bought it yesterday.

E. John Anderson forgot

F. Mary and Susan talk like

G. Alex and I were late for
class .

H. Princess Caroline is wearing
new Gucci gown.

I. Where are
keys? I can't find them.

J. Where do you keep
money, in the bank?

K. Everyone should bring
signed receipt. (he)

L. He's from Spain.
name's Alberto.

M. They're married.
children's names are Lauren and Daniel.

N. We're brothers.
parents are French.

domanda 2

Fill in the right adjective

A. This is new car. We bought it yesterday.

B. John Anderson forgot

C. Mary and Susan talk like

D. Alex and I were late for
class .

E. Princess Caroline is wearing
new Gucci gown.

F. Where are
keys? I can't find them.

G. Where do you keep
money, in the bank?

H. Everyone should bring
signed receipt.

I. He's from Spain.
name's Alberto.

J. They're married.
children's names are Lauren and Daniel.

K. We're brothers.
parents are French.

L. She's eight.
brother's nine.

M. Are you from this school ? Please, go to
classrooms, it's very late!

N. We live on the other side of the street. That's
house, the red one.

domanda 3

Translate the following sentences.

A. Kimberly è la nuova amica di Clara. Si incontrano sempre al loro bar. - . .

B. Il nostro ristorante è molto accogliente perchè i camerieri sono gentili. -
hospitable because .

C. Valeria mangia sempre i suoi sandwich. -

D. Henry VIII è famoso per le sue 7 mogli. - Henry VIII

E. Lucia è molto gentile con i suoi amici. -

F. E' il libro sul suo ( di lei ) gita a Parigi. -