POSSESSIVE adjectives A

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   1 2 3

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domanda 1

Choose the right adjective

A. This is my brother. name is Jonathan.

B. We have a computer in

C. She lives in New York and
pen-friend lives in Paris.

D. I've got two sisters.
names are Julie and Laura.

E. I love Oasis. They're
favourite group.

F. Michael's mum is a teacher and
father is a pilot.

G. I've got a car.
colour is blue.

H. Ted and Danny live in Canada but
parents live in Brazil.

I. She's very kind. Do you know

J. Michael's married.
wife is an accountant.

K. Susan's coming to the party on her own.
boyfriend's staying at home.

best friend lives in London so I only see her about once every two years.

M. They live on the other side of the street. That's
house, the red one.

N. Mia left
notebook on the bus.

domanda 2

Fill in the right adjective

A. I'm British. name's Peter.

B. Can we have
break now?

C. I've got a sister.
name is Julie.

D. Do you know Oasis? They're
favourite group.

E. Michael's mum is a teacher and
father is a pilot.

F. I've got a car.
colour is blue.

G. Ted lives in Canada but
parents live in Brazil.

H. She's very pretty. Do you know

I. This is my friend John.
girlfriend Louise is over there.

J. Have you got computers in

K. She lives in New York and
pen-friend lives in Paris.

L. Lisa's married.
husband is an accountant.

M. Tom's coming to the party but
girlfriend's staying at home.

friend lives in London so I only see her about once every two years.

domanda 3

Translate the following sentences.

A. La sua (di lui) macchina è nuova. - .

B. Carol è famosa per le sue meravigliose torte. -

C. Il loro amico è molto gentile. -

- .

E. Viviana e Gianluca hanno 2 figli. I loro nomi sono Tommaso e Daniele.
Viviana and Gianluca
. Tommaso and Daniele.

F. Carlo sta comprando una casa nuova. La sua casa è piccola per lui. -
. .

G. Loro corrono con la loro bicicletta. -